
Marriage (विवाह)

आफूखुसी गरिएको विवाहलाई कानुनले मान्यता दिएतापनि वैदिक पद्धतिले मन्यता दिँदैन, अतः वैदिक मान्यता अनुसार पति पत्नी बन्नका लागि तथा सुखमय दाम्पत्य जीवनका लागि ब्राह्मणहरूद्वारा वैदिक मन्त्रका साथ विधिवत् विवाह गर्नुपर्दछ।

Even though civil law recognizes marriages performed through personal choice, Vedic traditions do not acknowledge them. Therefore, according to Vedic tradition, to become husband and wife and lead a harmonious married life, it is necessary to solemnize the marriage through Vedic rituals conducted by Brahmins, accompanied by Vedic mantras.

Duration: 60 minutes

Price: $80 (USD)

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